Astral Doors
 Evil Is Forever
 Review by Gary Hill
When you review CD's like I do, you get to hear a lot of new music. The law of averages would tell you that only a handful will be terrible, and only a handful will be spectacular. The vast majority will fall somewhere in between those spectrums. So, when I get a disc by an unknown artist, I always approach it with a degree of skepticism. That's why I never saw this one coming. On first listening I thought I was listening to some long lost Dio album - and an incredible one at that. Other than the accent, you would be hard pressed to tell the difference from the majority of Sir Nils Patrik Johansson's vocals and those of Dio. He is a dead ringer.
On further spins it becomes more apparent that this band is not just content to be a Dio like band. While that is the most prevalent influence you can pick out, there are other things here that create a more unique sound than that. Many of the guitar lines call to mind Iron Maiden, and old Queensryche can be heard as well. The keys at times make one think of Deep Purple, while at others bring in some psychedelic and even prog textures. Even the mighty Judas Priest and Black Sabbath can be heard in the musical montage - you will probably miss all of them first time around, though. This Swedish outfit really lays it down hard, and there is not a weak album on show here. You just don't get much better than this, really.
The overall picture on this CD is that it is probably the best metal disc of the year. The only real contender I have heard is Royal Hunt, but with their prog metal style, we are really talking two different genres here. This is more classic true steel metal. While I love Judas Priest's Angel of Retribution disc, this one tops it. I seriously have not been blown away by an unknown metal band like this probably since I heard Royal Hunt's Paradox album. If you get one metal album this year, this should be it. I would advise putting in your budget enough cash to also pick up that aforementioned Priest, the latest Royal Hunt and the self titled Candlemass disc, but if it has to be only one, this is it.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2005 Year Book Volume 3 at https://garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2005.