Shaw - Blades
 Review by Michael Bader
Influence is the second and latest release from Damn Yankees members, guitarist Tommy Shaw and bassist Jack Blades. Consider the hard hitting musical history of these musicians as key members of bands like Night Ranger and Styx. Ponder the persuasion of heavy metal guitarist Ted Nugent from the two Damn Yankees albums. Influence is a walk through the rose garden compared to their past hard rock minded works however, the CD essentially covers classic rock hits that music listeners will easily recognize from FM and AM radio play lists.
It appears that Jack and Tommy are taking well-deserved professional liberties with some great rock ballads by giving them a unique an untraditional spin. Serious rock n’ rollers, may look at this album as “one step backwards for man”, meanwhile the casual listener will consider this as a “huge step forward for mankind.”
In consequence, we are left wondering what could have been accomplished had either artist chosen to release some of their new music through this duet rather than reserve it for their more profitable ventures, namely the latest reincarnations of Styx and Night Ranger. The performances and production quality ensure this CD will receive multi-spins so if you are in the mood for or want to add a great accessible CD to your library, you will be pleased with this fine effort by Tommy Shaw and Jack Blades.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2008 Volume 3 at lulu.com/strangesound.