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The Toadies


Review by Larry Toering

The Toadies are back with the re-recorded second album that was dropped by their former label. Feeler is on par with their other releases. There is no mistaking their classic sound while pulling off a contemporary effort in the process. All of the power and energy, combined with intelligence and attitude are written all over it. With tracks like “City of Hate,” “Waterfall,” “Dead Boy,” “Suck Magic” and “Trust Game” they manage to conquer a tricky task. The whole thing plays very quickly and pleasantly, yet it rocks and grooves with sheer menace. It’s sure to please fans old and new, which is par for the course with anything this long awaited.  

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2010  Volume 5 at

Track by Track Review
Trust Game

Instant comfort sets right in and brings us back where we belong with ease. "Being jaded, is overrated..." There is amazing energy as usual maintained. It's over too soon but so much more awaits.

Crashing right along, frantically but melodically, Todd Lewis preaches "now's the time, the time is now" and a signature scratchy guitar solo from Clark Vogeler irons out the fussy message to "the one I love" The power just keeps increasing, every ounce of energy excitement, attitude and emotion expected from the Toadies remain intact in this pop heavy track.
Dead Boy
A classic Toadies romp, this should go down as one of their best. The listener takes a severe beating and there is no denying the story, and no forgetting it once heard. Tasty guitar playing really shines throughout this gem. This will easily qualify for a "Best Of Toadies" compilation.
City Of Hate
Another classic follows, just a pleasant tune underlined with monster grooves, summed up by  "That's the city we live in...," a well added texture as things slow down a bit. My pick for the best track on the album, it's amazing how they manage such epic results in just a few minutes. 
A nice mellow cloud rolls over the ears and just in time, as if they're reading the mind. Keeping things tuned down,  they really can do no wrong in keeping control of the listener at every turn - just magical.
Suck Magic
Things go back up a notch or three with this, one of three tracks on this album destined for the long haul. This will go on to be a crowd favorite. There’s more sass from Lewis as he lays it on the line with unrelenting rebellion. This is a bone crushing slab of bombast.
ATF Theme
Chunky riffs and beefy rhythms drive this instrumental with a couple of distorted mentions of the title. If there is any possible filler it would be here. It’s still a nice piece.
Joey Let's Go
Back to another classic Toadies approach, this lacks no complexity in the lyrics. There’s no rush needed; absorb at one's own pace.
This is radical, yet easy on the ears, a thundering but low key exit to a well put together album that establishes this band’s solid return. This disc is being road tested with many tracks featured in their live set as if they've been playing them all this time.
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