Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman
 The Living Tree In Concert: Part One
 Review by Gary Hill
Whenever a live album (or any album from that matter) comes out featuring two of the most charismatic and popular former members of a band like Yes comparisons to that group are obvious. They are also rather unfair. I mean, really, Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman may be associated with Yes and do some of the songs originally performed in that group, but they were not touring under the name “Yes,” so it’s safe to expect music that’s of the same quality as that group, but it’s not right to hold the release up to the Yes catalog for comparison.
Truly Anderson and Wakeman have brought new life and new angles to the Yes songs performed here. That’s only part of the picture though because roughly half the album is composed of live versions of songs first released on Anderson and Wakeman’s Living Tree disc. For those of us who caught this duo live, this goes a long way towards recreating the music magic that is a Anderson and Wakeman show. The music is only part of the picture live, though, with Anderson spinning stories and Wakeman making funny comments and telling jokes. Still, the music is, in so many ways, the reason for the whole thing. So, this is a great way to recreate that experience and for those who didn’t make the tour to get an idea of what they’ve missed.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2012 Volume 1 at lulu.com/strangesound.