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Till You Decay

Review by Larry Toering

Klogr (pronounced Kay-log-are) is an Italian alternative metal export, but an Italian/American band with a point to make concerning things in today's society such as mind control and servitude (among other things). The name is a reference to the law of Weber-Fechner, known as the fundamental psychophysical relationship (S=K log R). “They draw energy from a philosophy that challenges contemporary culture, where every sense is cleverly used against men in the name of profit.” And this is their debut on Zeta Factory, produced by Gabrielle “Rusty” Rustichelli. Not for one second is the listener anything but captivated by the sheer ferocity of the music and lyrically reality based approach. They crush the ear drums with every note as they deliver an atomic sound that is sonically contemporary and brutally alternative at the same time.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2012  Volume 1 at

Track by Track Review
Live Dying

There’s no holding back as they pulverize the senses with mind blowing ferocity. This is about the role reversal of life and death. If we seem to be dying while we're alive, what's left when we die, life? Everything about their sound is big, and they may slow it down here and there, but you always know they're coming back to haunt with their menacing power.
Silk And Thorns

While this is more accessible, it's certainly no less heavy. With its complex structure, big beats and screaming vocals, it's an amazing track full of constant change-ups. The fuzzy tone drives the overall groove into mood swings galore. This is some downright incendiary stuff - the kind of thing you do not bring home to mother.


White Eyes

With words like “lie to me / die on me,” it's no secret this is the overall attitude of the album and won't likely turn around before it's all over, as they proceed to kick rocks all over the place. This seems to have something to do with being blindsided by darkness. They really start to pour it on here like madmen.


This has an awesome riff with some tasty fills in the guitar section, along with pounding percussion and some cursing thrown in to make their point about bleeding as the singer repeatedly shouts “why?” If the previous tracks didn't get through, this will, as it sets things up for some changes to come.

Green Star

This is different from the others so far, with a subtlety not previously displayed, even if it still rocks hard. The drums really kick up here, with a spooky feeling and some technical wrinkles to keep it from being too heavy handed. There is more of a musically relaxed vibe on this great tune, and even some rather melodic vocals in some places.

Self Loathing

This brings out the crazy side and doesn't let up. As it's hard to trust anyone it seems, so there is a lot to complain about in this aggressive track with a guy talking to himself negatively. There’s a much less serious tone to it than the glorious chanting and wailing throughout. Ending it again with some spoken words, this is one of the coolest numbers because of that addition.

Naked Mind

Now they're all over the place with killer guitar and thunderous beats, as they profess to fight the system and don't plan on losing. The idea that they mean serious business is firmly established at this point on the disc. Even if this does have a few lighter moments, it's cool because it makes for a more lyrically comprehensive number. This is one of the freakiest things on here, with more profanity to make its point, and just some raunchy guitar effects to top it off.
You Gotta Know

This has an overall Tool feeling to it, as the alternative metal side shines on this track, without being too grungy in the process. It’s more interesting stuff indeed, as the vocals become easier to understand. Make no mistake they're both volcanic and melodic at different times.

Value Of Sin

Another of the big beefy tracks, this one asks to “leave this life and forget why we were born.” It contains a reliance on all the frustrations of our sins. It's a little spookier than most of the others but that suits these guys, as Klogr have a message.

Silted Memories

This features a digitally driven intro and goes into a more straightforward metal approach with the odd time changes and heavy percussive passages. It goes along very well with the previous track. This could benefit from being twice as long as it is. Nothing is lost in its brevity though, except perhaps some mystery potential.

Young Graves
Here’s another killer track to end it all, and an interesting closer it is. It deals with premature decay. That isn't really to be expected as it skips around leading up to this. So it's all about our choices to have control of ourselves or be controlled, and how tricky it can be. It's a healthy blend of give and take, or an unhealthy life we lead, and this band gets that by the ton.
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