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Adrian Benavides

Same Time Next Life

Review by Gary Hill

There is definitely an industrial sort of vibe to this cut. In fact, a lot of it seems close to Tool or even Nine Inch Nails. That said, though, we get Rush, King’s X and King Crimson in the mix, too. Of course, the Crimson reference seems obvious considering the fact that Pat Mastelotto plays on the disc. Among the other guests is Markus Reuter.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2012  Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review
Impulse Response

This powers in extremely heavy, feeling a lot like stoner metal. That mode continues as the backdrop, but the vocals and other elements are closer to something from King’s X or even Rush. It works out later into something more like King Crimson. Still, there’s almost a Tool vibe, too. It works through quite a few shifts and changes along the line. It dissolves to atmospheric sound for the closing section.

Grit Digging
There’s a percussive based introduction, but this powers out from there into something a bit like Nine Inch Nails meets Tool. It drops down to atmospheric sections later in the track. This one isn’t the most progressive rock oriented thing on show, but there are enough shifts and odd atmospheric elements to make it fit in some ways.
Reflection II
This short instrumental truly brings the progressive rock back in style. It’s melodic and pretty, but also dark and those industrial elements are still on display. While it’s pretty consistent in terms of the rhythm section, the melody gets involved and interesting.
Exterior of a Heart
While this is still heavy and rather industrial, it’s also got plenty of melody and fits into a modern progressive rock heading quite well. There are a number of changes and alterations as this continues. There’s a segment later that’s a bit like Nine Inch Nails meets King Crimson.
Reflection III
Another instrumental that’s more purely progressive rock, this is a lot mellower and slower moving. It’s also quite a bit longer. It’s got some nearly symphonic sounds in place. It does turn more rocking later in the number, but mostly through a more energized rhythm section.
Same Time Next Life
Benavides saved the best for last. This thing works through a lot of changes and is heavy at times, but also very melodic and very proggy. It’s certainly a great example of how a heavy, rather metallic sound can be shifted and melded with prog to create something amazing and very much progressive rock.
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