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Rhythm of Love (Maxi Single) (Vinyl)

Review by Gary Hill

The old rule at Music Street Journal was that we didn’t cover items that weren’t in print. The truth is, with and eBay, things are often available at reasonable prices even when out of print these days. So, that makes the rule kind of obsolete. With that in mind, I’ve been going through and reviewing some of the little oddities in my collection to let people know about these things. This Maxi-Single is one such item. I know it’s probably sacrilegious for a Yes fanatic like me to admit, but I don’t really like the original song “Rhythm of Love,” but I do like these three remixes. Add in a live version of “City of Love” and this is a disc I like quite a bit.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
Side A
Rhythm of Love (Dance to the Rhythm Mix)
I’d have to say that I like this remix much better than I like the original song. For one thing, the Beach Boys styled vocals that I don’t like aren’t included here. Additionally, the horn section that’s added brings some cool jazz elements to this. It’s an energetic piece that preserves the best parts of the song while changing out some of the rest.
Rhythm of Love (Move to the Rhythm Mix)
I don’t hear a lot of differences between this version and the previous one. Mind you, they aren’t the same, but they are similar enough to be considered more or less the same.
Side B
Rhythm of Love (The Rhythm of Dub)
Of all the remixes here, this is the most different and the most unusual. It’s mostly rhythmic and doesn’t have all that much of the original song present. It’s good, but perhaps not as strong as the first two versions. I do think this rendition goes on a bit long.
City of Love (Live Edit)
A great case for truth in advertising, this is a live version of the song from 90125. This is quite a strong rendition of the piece. I think maybe I like this better than the studio version and I like that one a lot. They seem to extend it out quite a bit, too.



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