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Asmodeus X

The Bright Ones

Review by Gary Hill

The newest set from Asmodeus X, this continues with their brand of electronic music. I can see people arguing with it landing under progressive rock. If you wouldn’t put Kraftwerk there, then I definitely agree with leaving this out. If you consider Kraftwerk to be prog, though, then so is this. However you slice it, it’s an entertaining album. Then again, that’s a given with these guys.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 5 at

Track by Track Review
Destination Calling

Electronic music that’s somewhere between Kraftwerk and dance club sounds makes up the backdrop for this. The understated vocals bring another edge to it. This is powerful stuff.

Fallen Angel
I love the sound of this. It’s not a huge change from the opener, but it rocks a bit more. It really does make me think of Kraftwerk in a lot of ways.
Grosser Haus
There’s a powerful rocking sound to this one. It’s another powerhouse.
Planet E
There is a weird spacey element to this that works very well. It’s got a real science fiction vibe. It has a cool groove to it at the same time.
Seasons Without End
There is more of a dance music element to this. It has a lot of energy and the vocals bring a Euro sound to the table.
Starry Encore
With a driving beat, this has drama and power and a bit of that sci-fi element.
The Bright Ones
I love the magic and majesty of this. Sure, Kraftwerk is a valid reference, but this just seems to have more of a killer vibe than even that conveys. This might be my favorite piece here.
The Temple
There is a driving beat to this one. In some ways it is even more Kraftwerk-like than other music here. It’s a killer tune that really works well. I love the rather dark and mysterious section that takes it at the end.
Dance music is the idea here to a large degree. The vocals have an almost evil energy to them. .
Power Factory
That whole dance music combined with Kraftwerk thing is all over this number.


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