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Anti-Nowhere League

The Cage

Review by Gary Hill

Apparently these guys originally formed in 1980. I had heard the name, but I don’t think I ever really heard them before. I really like their brand of punk rock. In fact, I like this album so much that it might wind up on my best of 2016 list. It’s certainly a contender. These guys land somewhere in the neighborhood of DOA. They have a lot of metal in the mix and definitely call to mind Motorhead quite a bit. There isn’t a weak song here. I’m going to have to dig into their catalog.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2016  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
A Bad Storm

There is an almost metal edge to some of the chords on this screaming hot tune. It’s a pirate punk cut. There is an almost technical metal section later. Overall, really, it would be quite possible to label this song “heavy metal.” It has a smoking hot guitar solo.

Punk Rock Girl
While there are still some metallic hints here, this has a lot of old time rock and roll. It’s almost like a cross between Motorhead and the Ramones in terms of sound. It’s a fiery and tastefully raw screamer. This one earns a parental advisory. This thing is really catchy. It makes me think of Cheap Trick in terms of the chorus hooks.
Sealed With A Kiss
Another that makes me think of Motorhead, this also reminds me a lot of DOA. It’s another with a healthy dosage of heavy metal built into it. It’s also another winner.
Uncle Charlie
This feels closer to something the Clash might have done in the early days. It’s more pure punk for sure. It’s also another great tune.
The Last Cowboys
There is definitely a lot of metal in the mix here. This is another screamer.
Fields of Yesterday
If The Clash and Johnny Cash recorded together, it might sound a lot like this. There is a definite Celtic punk vibe here, too, like Dropkick Murphys and those type of bands. From the guitar solo to the chiming bells and chorus like vocals at the end, there is a lot of melodic stuff here.
Fix Me
As this starts, it feels like a metal take on the music from the movie “Halloween” to me. This is a very metallic cut in a lot of ways, though. Still, this is very decidedly punk. It just has a metal edge to it.
13 Rat Theory
In a lot of ways this makes me think of a cross between Anthrax and Motorhead. It has more metal in a lot of ways than it does punk. It’s another fierce and screaming piece of music.
God Bless Alcohol
Starting with a child saying prayers, this is a pounding, fast paced rocker. It’s a punk tune that’s a lot of fun. As you might guess, it’s all about praise for the drink. It has a Celtic vibe to it. This gets a definite Cockney thing, too. It also earns a parental advisory. The child delivers an “amen” at the end.
Time To Kill
Screaming hot punk turned metal, this is an effective screamer. It also gets a parental advisory for the lyrics. There is more of a Motorhead vibe to this in some ways.
Walk Away
Starting with just a gang of voices, drums come in as the only accompaniment at first. Then other instruments join. This is another that feels like something a Celtic punk band would do. It’s a catchy, stomping little number. It’s meant for singing along.
Ain't We 'avin' Fun
This is another smoking hot punk stomper. It’s suitably angry and topical. It gets another parental advisory.
Brick By Brick
A rather catchy punk song, this is another killer tune. There’s nothing weak here, so it’s no surprise that they keep the quality and intensity up through the closer.
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