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Love Will Find a Way / Holy Lamb (Song for Harmonic Convergence) (vinyl single)

Review by Gary Hill
If you are looking for a sampling of flavors of Yes' Big Generator album in a vinyl single, you can't do much better than this. The A side represents the Trevor Rabin side of the disc, with the flip covering the Anderson side. It should be noted that for the sake of consistency I've used the track reviews from the original album review.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 1 at
Track by Track Review
Side A
Love Will Find A Way
Of the singles from the Rabin era, this was always the one that grabbed me. It really seemed to work pretty well. It starts with a string section then moves to a strong guitar picking mode that serves as the basis for the chorus. The verse here is sung by Squire over an almost funky line.
Side B
Holy Lamb (Song For Harmonic Convergence)

Like 90125's "Hearts" the closer to Big Generator is another cut that feels like an Anderson solo composition. It is another slowly building balladic number with its share of moments, it's just not all that special.

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