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Peter Bruntnell

Nos Da Comrade

Review by Gary Hill
I would consider this to be a timeless album. It's not the kind of thing that's tied to a particular musical style or era. It's a great set, too. There is nothing here that's weak, and the bulk lands in the very good to exceptional category. If you dig good solid songwriting with a mainstream rock flair, this is for you.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 3 at
Track by Track Review
Mr Sunshine
The guitar sound on this is classic and jangly. The vocals have a sense of authenticity to them. This is catchy and timeless in terms of hooks and mood.
End of the World

As strong as the opener was, this surpasses it by quite a bit. The song is a ballad. It's very much folk based. It's evocative and very pretty.


A harder rocking song, this is energized and fun. It is also a very classic sounding piece of music. It's another standout.

Yuri Gagarin

Suitably there is a bit of a spacey element to this cut. It has a good chunk of psychedelia built into its mid-tempo arrangement. As much as I've enjoyed the music to this point, I like this number even more. The mid-track jam has some definite elements of space rock merged with something more like alternative rock. The organ later makes the whole thing feel just a little like The Doors. That extended instrumental section eventually takes the piece to a very satisfying conclusion.

Dance of the Dead

A mellower tune, this is moody and rather trippy. It has some great textures. In some ways it reminds me a bit of Pink Floyd.

Where the Snakes Hang Out

Another hard rocker, this is particularly strong. I love the vocal hooks, and the whole piece just works really well.

Fishing the Flood Plain

This alternative rocker isn't a big change, but it works well. It's fairly short. It's good, but not really at the same level as some of the rest of the music here.

Peak Operational Condition

This a bit more on the raw side than some of the rest of the music here. That said, it's a particularly effective piece of music that brings some variety to the table. It has some psychedelia in the mix.

Long Way From Home

A fairly slow moving, mellower number, this is good, but again not one of the highlights.

Long Way Down Form a Cloud
This is very much an 90s styled alternative rocker. It's a solid number.

A very mellow and quite pretty ballad, this works really well.

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