Track by Track Review
CD One
Such a Shame
I love the cool hard rocking riffing that drives this. The vocals are pretty awesome, too. The whole tune just works so well. |
Pin a Rose on Me A classic rocking ballad, there is a lot of folk music and Americana built into this thing. It's just so tasty. It's like something Bad Company might have done, but better to my ears. |
On the Road This cool rocker makes me think of Sweet a bit. It's a lot of fun. |
Straight Faced Fighter I love the tone and mood of this cool melodic rocker. It just doesn't get much better than this. |
Ain't Telling You Nothing Coming in as a bluesy rocker, this explodes out after a time to faster paced rocking jam. The slide guitar on this is an interesting touch. To me this feels a bit like a bit harder rocking version of Free. |
When I Met You Another good time rocker, the instrumental section on this is amazing. This continues the tradition of one great song after another. |
Leave the Kids Alone A melodic soft rocker, this is great stuff. It has a real 1970s rock vibe to it and builds out to quite a cool number. It gets quite involved as it moves forward and is another that makes me think of Sweet. |
Shine a Light on Me This is a soulful rocker with a really classic sound. It has a great energy and vibe to it. |
Running Free A melodic rocker, this isn't anything revolutionary. It's just incredibly effective all around. |
Got a Dream An acoustic based bluesy rocker, this has a great multi-voice vocal arrangement. This sounds like something that was just a lot of fun for the guys as there is a lot of little fun-loving stuff built into it. |
CD Two |
Too Late to Cry This melodic rocker is full of class and hooks. |
The Hustler There is some old-time rock and roll built into this one. It's another that makes me think of Sweet to some degree. It's a classy tune. The little Island interlude is a bit goofy, but also cool. This gets a parental advisory. |
What a Way to Fall This rocker is cut from a classic hard rock sound. It's catchy and so cool. |
Here Comes the Queen
An acoustic driven number, organ plays an expanded role on this cut. It's a kind of tune that feels a bit like Rod Stewart to some degree. I dig the piano solo, and the bass work is noteworthy, too. |
Mean What You Say Not a big change, this melodic rocker is strong. |
Something I Can Do Without There is a great blues rocking vibe to this number. They turn it out to more of a glam rock thing later in the piece. |
Sign the Papers
There is almost a prog rock element as this comes in with a mellower section. It works out to more of the type of rock we've come to expect here. |
Pushin' and Pullin' Honky tonk piano leads the first part of this. The cut works out to more of a psychedelic rocker mixed with glam from there. It's another classy cut. That piano remains a prominent part of the piece at various points along this road. There is a classy blues guitar solo, too. |
Sky Blues This is a smoking hot blues stomper. Lloyd-Langton was always a big practitioner of the blues. This seems like a classic example, even though he doesn't have a songwriting credit on it. . I love everything about this tune, but the guitar soloing is particularly great. The harmonica is a nice touch, too. I guess the closest comparison on this song would be early Led Zeppelin. |
Talk to Me Another killer rocker, this lands more toward the glam rock side of the equation. |