National Wrecking Company
 National Wrecking Company (Reissued Edition)
 Review by Gary Hill
This album was actually released early in 2018. It's been reissued with a bonus track that's a preview of the second album. I've included this under progressive rock, but it's definitely not a tight fit. A lot of this has proto-prog built into it. There is some space rock and some real prog here, too. Still, much of it has a blues rock and funk vibe. The fact that Randy Pratt (who was known as "Ambassador Randy" in the alien prog band Star People) is onboard this ship is the piece that shifts the balance to the prog end. It should be noted that the late Bernie Torme (best known for his work in Ozzy Osbourne's band) performs on the bonus track. Whether you land this under prog or not, it is a cool album with some great hard rocking sound built into it.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2019 Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2019.