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Doctors of Space

Covid Sessions

Review by Gary Hill

Doctors of Space is Dr. Space (Øresund Space Collective, Black Moon Circle and more) on synthesizer with Dr Martin Weaver (Wicked Lady, Dark) handling drums, bass and guitars. The music created is instrumental space rock. This is a strong set, and the second one from them I've reviewed here at Music Street Journal.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2021  Volume 4. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Apollo Groove
There is a fast paced, but subdued element at the start of this. The cut gradually works outward, building into more of a traditional space rock kind of texture. The cut evolves gradually, but remains classy throughout.
Hold My Beer
Starting with a little humorous spoken intro that's in keeping with the title, this works out to more of a rock music based arrangement. This is driving space rock that has hints of roots music built into it. You can probably guess that from the title, though, right?
From the Depths of the Universe
Some cool sound effects bring this into being. Dramatic and almost menacing mellow space rock joins and gradually rises up. Noisy sounds come in after a time. It starts to rock out a bit more and the whole concept feels like what deep space looks like.  This seems very freeform and noise-driven, but there are melodic parts that emerge.
Viral Usurper
This comes in with a more traditional space rock sound. It's not all that far removed from things like Hawkwind. The guitar and bass are both tastefully prominent on this piece. This is among the most rocking music of the set.
Afro Ghost Ritual 47
There are elements of world music and psychedelia built into this. The percussion arrangement is involved and dramatic. The echoey music has some hints of the Electric Teepee period of Hawkwind.
Funkee Caca
Funk is definitely on the menu here. In some ways this makes me think of something Parliament might have done as they could get spacey at times. Still, the Doctors of Space trademarks are all here, too. This is classy space music that has some leanings toward fusion.
Untouchable Trademark
There is an electronic music concept here that makes me think of things like Synergy. This is classy stuff.
Drowned in Drone
I'd consider this to be one of the most effective tracks here. It's a real powerhouse space rock stomper. There are definitely Hawkwind comparisons to be made on this.
White Star Turns Pink
Mellower, trippy space rock is the order of business here. This grows gradually, moving into some intriguing territory as it does so.


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