Track by Track Review
Come Together feat. Durga McBroom, Jackie Lomax & Snowy White There have certainly been a lot of covers of this song over the years. This one lands sort of middle of the road for me. I dig the bluesy, kind of trippy vibe they bring to it. The vocal performance has so much grit and spirit to it. The blues guitar soloing is a great touch, too. |
Something feat. Charles Jones & Sonny Landreth They really do bring some proggy angles to this thing. It's not a huge change, but there are some nice changes in tone. I think I like this as much as the original track. The guitar work is so classy, but everything about this works so well. |
Maxwell's Silver Hammer feat. Roger Joseph Manning, Jr. This odd, bouncy cut gets a fairly faithful rendition. I've never really cared all that much for this one. I'd say they do a competent version, but they don't take any real chances with it. |
Oh! Darling feat. Eric Dover & Carmine Appice They really play it safe with this one. It's very much a faithful kind of rendition. |
Octopus's Garden feat. Matt Axton & Brian Auger There is a bit of a country rock groove to this rendition. It's a nice variation, and it works well. I love to see them taking some liberties with the material, while also maintaining the basics. |
I Want You (She's So Heavy) feat. Arthur Brown & Steve Stevens I've always loved this song. The general tone, and almost metal heaviness work so well on the original. They really give this the Arthur Brown treatment. It's obvious that it's the same song, but that sort of "Fire" weirdness is grafted onto it. While I prefer the original, I really like this a lot. I also applaud the fact that they really made it their own. |
Here Comes The Sun feat. Ron Bumblefoot Thal More of a faithful rendition, this brings it all back down to Earth. The gentle sounds and grooves provide a respite from the heavy craziness of the last song. There are some cool guitar lines over the top at times later. |
Because feat. Rebecca Pidgeon & Patrick Moraz I really like this number a lot. It has some intriguing psychedelic meets prog vibes at play. |
You Never Give Me Your Money feat. Graham Bonnett & Rick Wakeman I love the piano work on this song. They definitely make this one their own in some ways. The changes work well, and Wakeman really gets to show off here. Guitar takes a more dominant role later on in the track. |
Sun King feat. James Booth & The Return, Alvin Lee & Geoff Downes This dreamy piece is played fairly faithfully. It works really well. |
Mean Mr. Mustard feat. Jack Russell Another that's played pretty close to the original, this rocker works well here. |
Polythene Pam feat. Matthew Sweet I dig the almost glam rock vibe to this version of the tune. It works really well. |
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window feat. Adam Gaynor & Paul Shaffer This one that's pretty close to the original. I like this one a lot here. |
Golden Slumbers feat. Terry Reid While musically they deliver a great (if safe) version of this track, I'm not as sold on the vocals. It's not that they are bad. They just don't seem to gel here for me. |
Carry That Weight feat. Gregg Bissonette I feel the same way about this track as I did the one that led straight into it. While he's not listed as a featured performer on this song, Terry Reid again provides lead vocals here. |
The End feat. Frank Dimino & Steve Hillage This rocker works really well here. They play it pretty close to the original, and manage to make it stand tall. |
Her Majesty feat. Gary Wilson To some degree you know what you are going to get with Gary Wilson. This delivers that kind of strange psychedelic fun. I can hear hints of Zappa-like elements, too. |