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Live in Chicago, April 2009

Review by Greg Olma

Kreator is one of those bands that always seem to put out quality disc, play numerous tours, etc., yet I have not been able to catch them live. 
With over 300 concerts under my belt, I was quite surprised that I never saw them; either as an opener or special guest slot.  After hearing their latest CD Hordes Of Chaos, I made it a goal to catch this tour and as it turned out, my baptism into Kreator live was intense, heavy, and brutal.  It was also one of the better thrash shows I have been to.

Greg Olma
Greg Olma
The “Choir Of The Damned” intro ushered in these elder statesmen of thrash.  Right away, they pulverized us with “Hordes Of Chaos” and “Warcurse.”  The sound was sketchy during Exodus’ set but any issues were fixed for Kreator.  Although it was heavy and loud, it was also pretty clear and all of the subtleties (yes, thrash has subtle elements) were audible.  Even though this was the Hordes Of Chaos tour, they played a good cross section of their history.  “Extreme Aggression” and Outcast track “Phobia” were followed by a couple of tunes off of Enemy Of God; “Voices Of The Dead” and the title cut.  After that little history lesson, they went back (or should I say forward) to the Hordes Of Chaos disc and played “Destroy What Destroys You.”

Greg Olma
Kat Heitzman
The title tracks tend to be centerpieces for Kreator discs so it’s a good bet that they were going to play a lot of them during the show.  Title songs from Pleasure To Kill, Coma Of Souls, Violent Revolution, and Terrible Certainty were all given a live airing intermixed with “People Of The Lie,” “The Patriarch” and “Betrayer.” Even though the set was a hefty 14 tunes,  Millie Petrozza and the guys came back for an encore that consisted of another 4 songs.  “Run Amok” started things off followed quickly by “Riot Of Violence.”  To end off the show, drummer Ventor Reil got to fill in the lead vocal slot for early hits “Flag Of Hate’ and Tormentor.”  I knew these guys were good but live is where they really shine.  If you are an old-time fan, catch this tour because you will get a good amount of tracks from their entire history.

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Kat Heitzman
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009  Volume 3 at
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