My Resurrection Review by Greg Olma This is my first experience with Brazen Abbot. I knew of them because I have always been a Joe Lynn Turner fan but I never heard them.
DVD Reviews
Brazen Abbot - A Decade of Brazen Abbot DVD Review by Mike Korn The name of Brazen Abbot is not all that well known in America but if you were to judge the band by this combined concert/documentary DVD, you'd think they were one of the biggest rock bands in the world. Well, even if you are not, act like you are and maybe success will follow.
Brazen Abbot Interview by Greg Olma Interview with Nikolo Kotzev of Brazen Abbot from 2005
Nikolo Kotzev - Nostradamus Review by Gary Hill There was a time in the '70s when rock operas were all the rage. Since then they have been pretty scarce, and many times with good reason.