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Keys To Ascension DVD

Review by Gary Hill

Recorded in 1996, this one is the one that almost makes it in the quest for ultimate live Yesshow video. Those who were there say that the video includes a lot of overdubs, but for the uninitiated, you really can't tell. The video does rely a bit heavily on nature video shots, when it should be focusing on the band. The lineup of the group here is a very classic one - Jon Anderson, Chris Squire, Steve Howe and Alan White. This show represented a return to the "classic" sound of the band. The performance includes some awesome numbers including "Revealing Science of God", "Turn of the Century", "America" and "Onward". On the down side, there are no bonuses included on the DVD, and the stopping with title at the beginning of each song really interrupts the flow. Also, the video relies a bit heavily on slow motion photography. On the plus side, the use of the original album covers for background is a great idea. Both the cinematography and sound are impeccable.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2001 Year Book Volume 1 at
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