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Mr. B & Bob Seeley

Back to Back Live DVD

Review by Gary Hill

Those who play piano should really love this. Those with a passion for great piano playing should be all over it, too. It’s an intriguing concept. Take two boogie woogie pianists and have them perform together on the same pieces. It’s interesting to see the varying flavors they  bring to the music. One thing it’s not, though, is boring – at all. The music here is vital and potent and these are two passionate musicians. They open with one song played by each of the musicians – meaning that Mr. B plays it first and then Bob Seeley tackles it. Then they trade off turns for a time doing different pieces. The last two tracks feature both of these guys, though.

There are a few bonuses here. The first is a show of Mt. B. playing live with some students whom he has worked with in developing their skills. The second is an interview with the two men and the third is an interview with their fans. All in all, this is quite a tasty DVD that will definitely please fans of the ebony and ivory instrumentation. 

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009  Volume 5 at

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