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Freedom (music video)

Review by Gary Hill

When I reviewed this song on the album from which it came, I mentioned that it was a proggy song. Well, taken outside of the context of that album, like in this music video, that prog nature really shines. The instrumental break even reminds me a bit of Yes. That is appropriate because one fact I didn't know when I reviewed the album is that Alan White of Yes plays drums on the tune. Before I get into the video content itself, I should probably share exactly what I said about the song in that review.

"The cool rocking groove that leads this thing out is on fire. It's packed full of vintage cool. The track works to a fast paced, proggy jam from there. This is my favorite piece on the disc. It's just so tasty."

Well, all that holds true and more in this format. The video was cleverly created with social distancing. The musicians were shot (probably independently) in front of a green screen and footage of fighter jets, scenery and more plays in the background. There are quick cuts throughout, but not so quick to be annoying. The whole thing does a great job augmenting the music. As much as I liked the song in the context of the album, it really shines in this format.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at:

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