Øresund Space Collective
 Helsingør 2021 DVD
 Review by Gary Hill

You can’t go wrong with an Øresund Space Collective performance. Their brand of improvised space rock is always compelling and inspiring. To have it presented in video format is so cool. They were on fire in this live setting, and the video and audio on the disc do a great job of capturing it. If you are a fan of space rock, I can’t recommend this enough. This show was nearly two hours long, making this DVD a particularly healthy helping of space for your brain.I don't know about you, but I can always use some space for my brain.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023 Volume 5 More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2023.