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Curved Air

Interviewed by Gary Hill
Interview with Sonja Kristina of Curved Air from 2012

It’s been a couple years since we interviewed you. Can you catch us up on what you’ve been doing?

I have been touring with Curved Air, enjoying revisiting all the great material that is now our legacy and the enthusiasm that greets our shows whilst giving serious attention to what we will say and the framework and process for creating new Curved Air songs.


I know you are promoting Curved Air at the moment, but I was really taken with the Mask album. Is there a follow up in the works?

Since Mask is the combination of me and Marvin Ayres, our collaboration continues with Marvin’s excellent production of Live Atmosphere, Curved Air’s vibrant new release. The intention is for Marvin to produce forthcoming new Curved Air material which is a very exciting prospect.

Whilst I have been concentrating on Curved Air, Marvin has composed four solo albums since the release of the second Mask album Technopia. Two have been released so far - Eccentric Deliquescence and in October 2012, Harmogram Suite. They have received, great response from fans and reviewers. He is engrossed in creating new music for his “Sacred Space” installations and an ongoing collaboration with Martyn Ware (Human League /Heaven 17)

There have been films made for every song on the Mask Technopia album which are available on Youtube and where possible we screen the films before Curved Air concerts.


What else is ahead for you?

I cannot think beyond the challenge of new relevant writing at this moment in time. At some point in the future I want to look for theatre and film roles since acting is another passion of mine.

MSJ: Is there any kind of musical project that you’ve envisioned that hasn’t come to fruition yet?

Oh I’d love to take part in a Stephen Sondheim musical…also to develop the theatrical aspect of Mask.


Are there musicians with whom you would like to play with in the future?

David Bowie, Tom Waits

What was the last CD you bought and/or what have you been listening to lately?

Sigur Ros, Berg, Hot Head Show, Super Best Friends Club, Marcus Corbett


Have you read any good books lately?

Give the Anarchist a Cigarette by Mick Farren, an excellent first hand histoty of the important anarchic pre punk side of the Hippie London I remember in 1967 - White Panthers, International Times, OZ , Hells Angels and a cast of characters who I knew well.

Marianne Faithful’s first biography captures the stoned ‘60s bohemian lifestyle I remember and our mutual friend Brian Jones.


What about the last concert you attended for your enjoyment?

National Snack, a female led progressive punk band with my son’s beautiful wife Ami on bass.


Do you have a musical “guilty pleasure?”

Would the fact that my very first musical heart throb was Adam Faith count?


What has been your biggest Spinal Tap moment?

I think they are all unprintable ….

If you could sit down to dinner with any three people, living or dead, for food and conversation, with whom would you be dining?

David Bowie, Byron, Virginia Wolf


What would be on the menu?

A Thanksgiving roast carvery meal with all the trimmings and nut roast for vegetarians, mulled wine and champagne. Meringues and fruit crumble and custard…
MSJ: This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2012  Volume 6 at
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