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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Devil Doll

The Return Of Eve

Review by Greg Olma

This is one of those releases that defies a straight category.  There are so many elements in this CD (including rockabilly, punk, jazz, and 50’s rock) that you could be left scratching your head trying to figure out which section to put it in.  Although the record industry can be narrow minded and always trying to put the square peg in the round hole, as consumers in 2008, we don’t look in a “section” for our music.  With the internet, we can discover new artists (although this is their second release) and be exposed to new music that does not conform to any particular style.  The main person, Colleen Duffy, is part screen siren,  part rocker, but she ties it all together with a punk attitude that reminds me a little bit of Joan Jett.  What makes this album a winner is not that it is full of catchy songs but that each tune is performed with a sense of conviction that you realize that this is not a gimmick but a lifestyle.  This disc may not be for everyone but if you open your mind a little, you will find yourself tapping your foot along to most of the tracks.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2008  Volume 1 at

Track by Track Review
The One Who Got Away
The record starts off with a punk infused track that has some “speak easy” jazz thrown in.  Duffy has a smooth voice but underneath you can almost hear that punk sneer that Joan Jett would deliver.
Switching gears, this cut is very country with a little rockabilly thrown in for good measure.  Even the singing has a very country vibe but the guitar solo has more of a rock sound.  This is one of those tunes that is hard not to tap your foot to.
Gypsy Bitch
Keeping with the country theme, this is a slower tune that takes a left turn on the chorus.  The verses are country but the chorus is more blues based.
Man In Black
This short little track is a rocker and is probably the best tune on offer here.  The guitar work is really good and they even put some John Lord style organ in for good measure.
St. Patrick
Going back to the country style, this cut has some exceptional fiddle playing but tries to be too many things.  It is a short song (just under 3 minutes) but they seem to try to include far too many elements.

Sweet Lorraine
If you close your eyes, you could just picture this song being played at a 50’s dance.  It is the perfect slow dance music and although it has that old sound, somehow it doesn’t feel dated.

The Curse
The intro sounds very familiar but I guess a lot of older rockabilly started like that.  It is a short tune that still has a little punk attitude compliments of Duffy’s vocal delivery.

This is the sister song to “Sweet Lorraine,” both having a 50’s dance song sensibility.  The only difference is that “Tortured” has more country in it and that is probably due to the fiddle playing throughout.
The Way You Do
Blues is the name of the game here.  The track is rock/blues with some great guitar playing and you can just imagine this being played in some smoky bar.  This is another winner on the CD.

Lord's Prayer
I think this is probably the most country sounding tune on the record and even the lyrics just strike me as being in that vein. It’s not a bad song; it just doesn’t do anything for me.
This is a punk rock tune that has some jazz elements thrown in to make it sound “sexy.”  The saxophone adds that “sexy” sound and although it seems like it shouldn’t go together, somehow it fits and it really does work.
Queen of the Road
We get more of that blues based rock with this cut.  It has a very George Thorogood sound and even the vocal delivery reminds me of good ol’ Lonesome George.

Heads or Tails
This tune belongs as background music to one of those old detective movies.  That is not a dig because the song is good; it just has that sound to it.  I would have ended the album on this piece.
Fever (Bonus Track)
I don’t know why they put bonus tracks on regular releases of CDs but here we get a cover of that old tune “Fever” and although it is performed well, there is nothing really new or unique to make this stand out.  “Heads Or Tails” would have made a better ending to the disc.
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