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Non-Prog CD Reviews


First Big Picnic

Review by Brian Angotti

Laidlaw is the first band to emerge from Nikki Sixx's Americoma label. First Big Picnic, Laidlaw's debut is a great southern rock album with soulful vocals and blistering guitars. The album was produced by none other than the Crue's bassist Nikki Sixx.

Tommy Roberts (vocals), Buzzy James (slide guitar, vocals) Craig DeFalco (guitars, vocals), Michael Norton (bass), and Darrell Millar (drums) have already opened for Motley Crue on that band's last two tours and that proves these new comers have the chops to hold their own. If you like Lynyrd Skynyrd or just plain good old rock n roll you'll love Laidlaw.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: The Early Years Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review
Send My Baby Home
The lead in track, this is by far one of the best tunes on the disc. The song starts out with guitars that grab you and by the time the vocals start, you're hooked!
Burnin': Burnin'
"Burnin': Burnin'" displays the band's great song writing and, not to be forgotten, that great southern rock guitar and vocals.
Sweet Leanna
This one could be compared to Kiss' "Beth" or Motley Crue's "Home Sweet Home" in lyrical content but has a more rocking texture than a sentimental tone to it.
Wastin My Time
The first ballad on the disc, the verse of the song is rather boring but does having some great song writing. The definite high point is the chorus when Tommy James really shows his vocal ability off.
Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo
A cover of the Rick Derringer classic tune, Laidlaw doesn't change the song but does give it more feeling. I would recommend this version over the original. These guys definitely make this song rock!
Shine On Me
Another slow track this one is a low point on the disc. These guys do it best when they are playing loud and aggressive.
Give It Time
"Give it Time" shows how good this band's song writing is and also what great musicians they are. The guitar solo in this song just rips!
This is a typical southern rocker with a style that is close to Skynyrd.
Just Might Do Me In
The last ballad on this disc, and these guys finally get the genre right. This song has a lot of heart and feeling. It also features some of the best vocals and guitar work I've heard in a long time.
Catfish Stew
This is the album closer, and what better to do it than with a party rock song. This track just blows you away live. If you get the chance to see these guys do it. As good as it is, the album does no justice for what they are like live!
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