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Non-Prog CD Reviews


Lake II

Review by Gary Hill

Lake was one of the great unknown bands of the 1970s. The group combined strong pop melodies with definite progressive rock-oriented arrangements. This album, obviously the group's second, features a lot of different textures. From the pop/rock-oriented "Welcome to the West" to the Elton Johnish ballad "Love's a Jailer," this entire album is a treat. Although the majority of the disc is in a definite singalong sort of pop style, there are still some quite meaty instrumental sections that lead to the progressive rock reference. The music here is quite strong prog-oriented pop with a very unique guitar sound, and the vocals seem to call to mind a combination of Journey's Steve Perry and Yes' Jon Anderson.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2001 Year Book Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
Welcome To The West
This is a great Supertrampish prog cut with strong pop elements.
See Them Glow
This one is features a great progish ballad type intro and early verse and an arena rock styled chorus. This one has a great melody line.
Letters of Love
"Letters of Love" is fairly hard edged and energetic pop oriented music with strong prog sensibilities.
Red Lake
A bit funky, this is a great bouncy rock cut with progish tendencies. The pre-chorus is in awesome mellower modes and the chorus feels a bit like a more proggy Head East.
Love's A Jailer
With a killer piano intro that calls to mind Elton John, as the cut carries on, so do those tendencies. The E. J. influences are in the mode of the more dramatic and powerful of his catalog and those that include strong progressive rock tendencies.
Lost By the Wayside
A straight ahead rocking cut, this one is fun and energetic.
Highway 216
Featuring some wonderful keyboard textures, this is a great missing your love sort of ballad.
Angel In Disguise
Fast paced and energetic, this cut is great fun prog based pop rock and includes a killer progish chorus.
Scoobie Doobies
A song about the perils of drugs and having nothing to do with the cartoon character, this one is a potent piece that is a musical building extravaganza.
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