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Progressive Rock CD Reviews



Review by Gary Hill

This great disc combines elements of Pink Floyd, Hawkwind and other guitar dominated prog styles with a killer modern rock texture to achieve a wonderful result. Some of the cuts have a funny lyrical texture, while others have more serious tones, but all entertain. This is one of the best independent prog releases to come around in a while

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2001 Year Book Volume 1 at

Track by Track Review
Coming across as a sort of modern rock take on the sound of Pink Floyd, this song has some great David Gilmourish textures and is very strong.
More Bads
Another that feels a lot like Floyd, this one has some unique spoken word segments that make up the vocal work to the piece.
Me = MC2
An egotistical excursion, this one is a great tongue in cheek cut that shows elements of blues and country in a nice blend that is wonderful fun and features a nice modern sounding and progish chorus with Beatles oriented overtones.
Flim Flam Man
This is another fun loving number, but it musically more closely resembles a progish take on arena rock. It sounds like Cheap Trick at times, but the main song segment is more stripped down and a bit Chris Isaaksish.
Motherless Child
This awesome cut feels a bit like Hawkwind and has a great slow moving style that works quite well.
Wax Into Water
Having a funky texture, this is a hard rocking prog cut that has elements of Pink Floyd and David Bowie. It gets quite Hawkwindish in its harder edged moments.
An acoustic guitar based ballad through its first minute or so, the music begins building slowly on that base, becoming more hard-edged as it carries on. Quite dramatic, it then drops back a bit and female vocals enter to carry the next verse. The buildup begins again. It eventually switches gear, becoming rather playful for a time, then getting more lush. The piece returns to its earlier themes to end.
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