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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Rhino Bucket

I Got Mine

Review by Gary Hill

Rhino Bucket is a decidedly AC/DC influenced act. In fact, AC/DC’s drummer Simon Wright was a member of the band. These guys do a good job of creating music that’s quite close to AC/DC’s early sound, but with some additional sounds included. The problem is, there’s just not enough variety from song to song to make the album really work as a whole. Each song, taken by itself, rocks. By the end of the whole listening experience, though, it really feels like one very long song. In fact, a number of tracks on the disc seem very close to one AC/DC track - “Gone Shooting.” With a little more variety these guys would rule the music world. As it is, they’ve produced a lot of great songs that make for a good album.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2011  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
Message In My Bottle

There’s a bit of a punky texture to this straight ahead rock and roller. You might hear bits of The Black Crowes here, but it’s perhaps like a cross between that sound and early Aerosmith with some AC/DC thrown in for good measure.

AC/DC mixed with punk rock is a good description of this music. The introduction is very much in keeping with early AC/DC.
Back To Nowhere
Combine an AC/DC like vibe with a Dead Boys sneer and you’ll have a great idea of what this sounds like. At times it could almost pass for Bon Scott era AC/DC.
Drive Thru Liquor
The formula is relatively unchanged here, but when it’s this strong, who cares.
Who's Got Mine
More stripped down, this is perhaps a bit like Black Crowes roots rock meets AC/DC.
Her Way
This one is more pure punk rock than anything to this point. It’s a good tune, but the formula is starting to wear a bit thin. Still, it’s only rock and roll.
Joke's On You
Another straight ahead rocker with a lot of punk and a lot of AC/DC built into it, this is angry and fun, but sounds a lot like everything else. Still, it’s got a smoking hot guitar solo.
Chase The Case
The driving bass line on this is cool. Again I’m definitely reminded of early AC/DC – “Gone Shooting” comes to mind. It’s all starting to seem way too similar by this point, though. Somehow this piece manages to rise above the fray.
Hollywood And Wine
Another good tune, this is just a bit too much like everything else here. The chorus, though, is quite cool and punky. Interestingly enough, the verse again feels like that same AC/DC song.
Something For Nothing
Although the main concept hasn’t been changed, the riff that drives this is different enough to make this one stand out a bit.
Rare Beauty
Here’s another slab of AC/DC influenced rock and roll. It’s not bad, but just a bit too much like the rest of the music here.
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