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Progressive Rock CD Reviews


Glow in the Dark

Review by Gary Hill

An instrumental album, Jeremy takes us through a number of moods and styles. All the sounds here qualify as progressive rock, but various cuts focus on various forms of that type of sound. It is a rich tapestry that never gets old or tired.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2011  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
In the Beginning

Dramatic, atmospheric elements lead this off and it gradually rises up into a more rocking sound. At points this is a bit like Genesis and at others Pink Floyd comes to mind. Around the two and a half minute mark it drops to mellower sounds that feel a bit like early King Crimson. It rises up gradually from there with some hints of classical music over a driving percussion. Sounds akin to early Genesis emerge as this section continues. Then a smoking hot guitar solo rises up bringing with it something akin to a metallic psychedelia. Another shift takes it to a more balladic, slow moving progressive rock arrangement that’s laden with synthesizer. Guitar solos in cool ways through that segment. There are more shifts and changes as this cut continues. There are backwards tracked elements as this goes further down the musical road. It remains fairly sedate throughout that segment, but it’s also quite weird. The number weighs in at over twelve and a half minutes in length.

Glow in the Dark
This comes in mellow and feels a bit like a cross between early King Crimson and early Genesis. Rather than getting more powered up after the introduction, it actually shifts towards more sedate territory. In fact, after this shift it resembles something by Tangerine Dream or even Vangelis more than any of the more mainstream progressive rock acts. It powers out around the four and a half minute to something that’s closer to fusion.
Another Dimension
An electronica meets space rock vibe permeates this number. Later some seriously crunchy guitar enters and drives the piece in new direction.
Planet Departure
A mellower, keyboard dominated piece, this is pretty and appropriately spacey.
Electric Warrior
Harder rocking, there is a psychedelic texture blending with fusion as the main premise here. It fires out as a serious rocker as it continues. This things rocks out pretty hard before it ends.        
Indian Sun
The mellower sounds that start this have a lot of psychedelia built in, along with some Hawk-like space. There is a bit of a playful nature to this, but it’s also quite dramatic. It modulates to a very lush arrangement as it continues.
White Horse Rider
A fiery cut, this one rocks out more than a lot of the other stuff. It resembles Hawkwind quite a bit.
Shimmering Light
Even though there is a smoking hot guitar solo in the middle of the piece, this is a mellower, more atmospheric number overall.
Time Tunnel
Percussion leads off here. While the rhythm section that drives this is a pretty mainstream hard rock one, the music that is overlaid ranges from classic prog to classic rock.
The Transfiguration
More about atmosphere and texture, this is a pretty and subdued number.
The Final Act
A melodic, but crunchy, guitar leads the way here as this cut works through a path that’s mainly fusion like. It drops to mellower modes at times, but is one of the harder rocking numbers of the set.
Endless River
The first nearly three minutes of this track runs in a straight line and a keyboard dominated balladic piece that’s pretty and lush. After a time it grows out from there in some new directions. It works out into a powerful arrangement built on the basic musical concepts. It is pretty and potent and very much progressive rock, while not really feeling like any particular artist. It works back down eventually towards more pure piano stylings.
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