The Marks Brothers
 Into the Light
 Review by Gary Hill

The music here is related to the guitar hero music of the late 1970s. It’s got a lot of classic rock built into it along with some fusion and progressive rock. Perhaps it’s not a tight fit into the prog rock category, but I think it’s close enough to make the cut. The disc is all instrumental and guitar dominated, and therein lies the key problem with the set. When music is fully instrumental, it’s very important to change up the sound a lot. Otherwise it feels like one very long song. That sort of phenomenon pervades the later parts of this disc. For that reason, the songs here are strong if taken individually, but the whole thing suffers a bit when played as an album. While that factor is true, it means that album is a good one, not a great one.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2011 Volume 2 at lulu.com/strangesound.