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Metal/Prog Metal CD Reviews

A Pale Horse Named Death

And Hell Will Follow Me

Review by Gary Hill

This group seems destined to have fans right out of the gate. The group includes members of Type O Negative, Life of Agony and Biohazard. They’ve released a disc that provides some great heavy metal sounds, but not at the sacrifice of the groove. This is moody, but also very tasty. It calls to mind Stone Temple Pilots, but is heavier than that. There’s not a huge amount of variety from song to song, but it never feels tired or redundant.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2011  Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review
And Hell Will Follow Me

This is just a short (less than a minute) introductory piece, of a horse riding into the scene, quite fitting for the name of the band and the album title.

As Black As My Heart
A slow moving hard rocker, this is a tasty cut that’s quite cool. Comparisons to Stone Temple Pilots wouldn’t be out of the question, but Tool is also a fair reference point. Midtrack it turns ultraheavy with some noisier vocals and it’s more of a modern extreme metal sound.
To Die In Your Arms
A much heavier sound makes this one up. It’s got a cool groove built in, despite this more purely metallic basis. There’s almost an epic metal sound built in at times.
Heroin Train

This one very much has a Stone Temple Pilots kind of element, but taken more metallic. It’s a real screamer. The lyrics to this are very crude and require a serious parental advisory.

Devil In The Closet

Another ultra heavy cut, this is slower but definitely has that same sort of STP element that pervades the disc.

Cracks In The Walls
This is a cool change of pace. A good way to describe this is a heavy take on the kind of sound the Rolling Stones created on “Paint it Black.”
Bad Dream
Here we get a track that’s basically a special effects and ambient music piece. It really represents the title of “Bad Dream” quite well.
Bath In My Blood
Starting with percussion, this is a bit rawer, but overall it’s more of the same. The lyrics on this one get a definite parental advisory. The thing is, while this is musically much like the rest of the disc, sort of an STP on steroids concept, it’s not showing any signs of feeling redundant or stale.
Pill Head
A moodier cut, they haven’t drastically altered the musical landscape, but this is quite a change.
Meet The Wolf
There’s a heavy slow groove to this one. It’s another change of pace without dramatically altering things.

Serial Killer
Another killer groove driven number, this is a real smoker. No big changes here, but this is just a tasty piece that continues the basic musical concepts, but in fresh ways. There is a cool mellower section mid-track. This section is basically a textural piece, with the sound of crows and it carries the number into the next track.
When Crows Descend Upon You
A heavy, slow grind, this really works well. While there isn’t a huge change here, there are some overlayers that almost call to mind The Beatles in some ways. There’s sort of a band name call out chorus in this piece. It’s a tasty and catchy movement.
Die Alone

They close it with a slow moving grind that’s very cool. Nothings drastically changed, but this is one of the cooler pieces on show. There’s a tasty jam later in the piece that’s almost psychedelic.

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Metal/Prog Metal
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