Track by Track Review
21st Century Schizoid Man
Lake opens with a short, hard rocking take on the King Crimson classic.
Lend Your Love To Me Tonight This is a tasty balladic, soft rock number. |
Songs of a Lifetime Tour Introduction
Here is a spoken explanation of the concept of the tour. |
From The Beginning
Here we get Lake’s take on this ELP classic. It’s always been one of my favorite ELP tunes and I like this version a lot. |
Tribute to the King
Before presenting his musical tribute to Elvis Presley, Greg Lake lays it all down in spoken words. |
Heartbreak Hotel
Lake calls this the “greatest rock and roll song ever written.” While I wouldn’t agree with that assessment, he puts in a cool version of the tune. |
Epitaph/ The Court of the Crimson King I love the symphonic arrangement on the “Epitaph” part of this. The vocals, always very emotional and powerful, seem even more evocative and poignant here. I wish there was more of “The Court of the Crimson King” section. All in all, this is cool, though. |
King Crimson Cover Story
This is a cool story about the beginnings of King Crimson and the album cover. |
I Talk To the Wind
This balladic King Crimson tune is great. It feels a little slower, but it’s a good rendition of an awesome tune. |
Ringo and the Beatles
Here we get a cool Ringo Starr story. |
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
I like this rendition of the Beatles classic. It’s got lots of audience singalong, at the request of Mr. Lake. |
Touch and Go
Although a lot of people have had some disparaging remarks about this era of ELP, I like this tune. This is a killer rendition. |
This one doesn’t do that much for me. It’s OK, but just not all that special to my ears. |
Still...You Turn Me On
Now, this is more like it. This has always been one of my favorite ELP tunes and this version has all the emotion that it should. That’s the real key to this tune, the emotion, and it’s packed in nicely here. |
Reflections of Paris
This is a story about Lake living in Paris and how it led him to write “C’est La Vie.” |
C'est Le Vie
I’ve always loved this emotional and beautiful song. This rendition is quite powerful. |
My Very First Guitar
Here is a story about Greg Lake’s first guitar and writing the song “Lucky Man” when he was a kid. |
Lucky Man
Here’s another solid rendition of an ELP classic. I like this one a lot, too. |
People Get Ready
This old chestnut gets a great live telling here. |
Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Part 2
The closer from the set is this classic ELP rocker. It’s smoking hot. The closing is bombastic and very cool. |