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Non-Prog CD Reviews

The Walking Sticks

Send the Night EP

Review by Gary Hill

I wish there was more here than just these four songs. There is some cool music here. I could see someone placing this one under progressive rock, but for me it lands closer to a pop music blend. The four songs all fit together well, but each has its own identity. All in all, this is catchy and quite dreamy music that is very effective.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 6 at

Track by Track Review
Send the Night

The blend of sounds here is pretty awesome. There’s sort of a modern pop rock vibe to it. Add in some classic progressive rock and some modern dreamy electronic prog and the music is pretty well nailed down. Then add in some cool layers of vocals and you’ll have a good idea what this sounds like. At times there are bits that feel rather like Pink Floyd, but this is clearly more like dream pop type music for the most part.

Real Thing
Perhaps less dynamic and overtly powerful, this is no less compelling than the opener. It seems to combine that modern prog sound with something close to The Eurythmics. It’s another cool tune.
Kissing You
Where the last couple songs were dominated by female vocals, this one is led by male ones. The musical concept isn’t that different, but it has more of energetic groove. The lyrics, while not containing any objectionable words, definitely earn a parental advisory in terms of the message.
Day to Be Crazy
The female vocals return on this dreamy, electronic pop number. It’s an accessible one that’s quite tasty.
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