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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Abarico Loop Project

Abarico Loop Project

Review by Gary Hill

The main person in this project is Alessandro Valle. He’s the bassist in PropheXy, so one might expect that bass to shine here – and it does. That’s not the only thing to enjoy, though. The mix of music here ranges from space music to odd progressive rock, jazzy sounds and things close to RIO. It’s not a very mainstream disc, but it is quite a compelling one. It comes highly recommended to fans of experimental music, and especially fans of Italian progressive rock.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
Il loop cattivo

A rhythmic element starts this and then a funky bass line enters. Some scratching is heard over the top of this as it moves forward. Then some noisy guitar joins the mix. Some clean guitar soloing takes the lead after a while. Then more distorted guitar renters. All the other instruments drop away for a time, but then we’re brought back into the main song section.

Un momento
The bass really drives this one, but it has vocals. In fact, it’s much more of a stripped back arrangement with bass and vocals remaining the main elements here. The vocals drop away before the two minute mark and it becomes a bass solo. It’s quite a tasty one at that. Other sounds come into the mix after the vocals rejoin. Some killer flute really adds a lot.
That flute plays a prominent role in the pretty, mellow motifs that open this cut. It really has some soaring elements despite the more sedate motif here. Around the minute and a half mark, some heavy, distorted sound enter and take the piece in a new direction. Then later it drops back down to just that mellower section with more flute. Still further down the road there’s a return to the heavy rock. The flute over the top makes me think of Hawkwind a bit (Nik Turner era). The piece gets another shift, towards melodic atmosphere over those heavy sounds, near the end.
Nessuno può trovare tutto
As this one comes in, there’s a real jazzy vibe to it. Bass serves as the central instrument. Then some distinctly Italian prog oriented vocals join the mix. There’s a bit of a psychedelic rock meets blues rock vibe to some of the melodies on this as it works forward. Some noisy guitar is heard later. The piece continues to evolve in a pretty straightforward way and we get some more flute soloing further down the road. In fact, everything else drops away at the end leaving just that flute.
La sciamanica
Harmonics in a fast pattern open this cut. After a time bass joins in a cool, rather funky, jam. It works forward from there and the flute comes to bring melody.
As rhythmic elements start this, the vocals join in an intriguing arrangement. In fact, only the vocals accompany the rhythmic textures for the first minute, give or take a few seconds. Then bass joins. The vocals take on a more “song” like structure from there as this becomes a bit more mainstream. The vocals and the rhythmic textures drop away as a new, intense jam ensues. This has flute soloing over the top. This beast gets pretty noisy as it continues to develop. It takes on a real RIO meets modern King Crimson and more vibe.
Solo limatura
The bass drives this and the vocals come over the top in a real stripped back, but very cool, Italian prog arrangement. The intensity gradually grows as it continues. There is some pretty intense jamming as this works through later.
Mondi tondi
Mellower sounds open this one up. The flute rises up some cool soloing as it continues. This grows out into quite a jam. Then it drops way down and some echoey space music ensues. That backdrop is expanded upon and built up as this moves forward.
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