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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Corrosion of Conformity


Review by Mike Heitzman

As you may have guessed by the title, this is COC’s ninth full studio release.  It is one of my favorites as well. Snazzy drums, bluesy guitars at times, and some greasy vocals all make this a very nostalgic, yet unique mix of tracks. Heavy metal, punk metal, biker metal, blues metal, and just some plain old soul screaming rock and roll will be found here.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review
Brand New Sleep
This song slowly brings you to the sound of IX with an instrumental crawl at the beginning. It ends up having a pretty good guitar solo and a catchy riff to boot.

At first this sounds kind of like a continuation of the last song, but then it definitely opens up and has its own hooks.

Denmark Vesey

Things are starting to speed up a little more with a punk metal tune sure to stir up the pit. There is a blistering guitar solo and plenty of mosh pit inspiration in this one.

The Nectar

Continuing on with the speed, this track has excellent guitar work with some very thick sounding chords. I love the vocals at the end of the song. They sound so trippy.


This is 56 seconds of some delicate notes which are indeed an interlude to the sound of this CD.

On Your Way

Snappy stuff, this sounds like a mix of the Wiseblood and America’s Volume Dealer days all in one.


This has a very trippy beginning, but who am I kidding? There are tons of trippy moments all through this album. The song does not disappoint as the last 2/3 is pure old school metal joy. The 70s metal influences just reek through.

The Hanged Man

This has another slow start to an awesome song. This one is an example of all the many years of experience these musicians have. It shows how they have evolved, yet kept to their original sound. That’s kind of how their last two releases have made me feel.

Tarquinius Superbus

My personal favorite on this album, I believe this is about Tarquinius Superbus, who was the legendary seventh and final king of Rome. The guitar riffs make this a very memorable and powerful song. It’s the heaviest track on this CD.

Who You Need To Blame

This has fast bluesy guitar galore.

The Nectar Reprised

Here is a short tune to fade out with class.

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