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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Charlee Remitz

Bright White Trims

Review by Gary Hill

With a wide range of sounds, this is modern pop music, but twisted in a very different way. There is psychedelia here, along with prog rock and a lot more. It does have a slight tendency to be overproduced, but not to the point of presenting a problem. A bigger problem is a tendency toward everything sounding the same. I do think this would be a stronger set (and avoid that) by leaving a couple songs off of the disc. Still, this would really be a good gateway album from prog rock fans looking to venture into modern pop stylings.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2016  Volume 1 at

Track by Track Review
King’s Cup

There is a bit of psychedelia to this. The cut has a mellower, electronic styled verse section. The choruses are powered up and a bit on the overproduced side. Still, it works pretty well. Some modern pop music really annoys me. This does not. The drop back section at the end comes close, though.

Fillin’ in for a Goddess
A bit mellower and more electronic based, this is a stronger cut. It does get a parental advisory. It has both a modern pop sound and an artistic, electronic element. Oddly enough, it makes me think of something like Laurie Anderson in some ways.
Cake Eater
Another that earns a parental advisory, this feels a lot like a cross between electronic prog and modern pop music. It’s one of my favorites here. I love some of the melodies on this.
There is a cool groove to this. The vocal arrangement works particularly well, too. Beyond that, this is more like electronic music merged with modern pop. It’s another strong cut. The ending is very abrupt.
B****es & Ladders
As you can probably gather from the edit on the title, this gets a parental advisory. This is more modern electronic pop music. It’s not bad, but it doesn’t really stand out. It does avoid overproduction, though.
Juicebox Season
Although this isn’t bad, it’s all starting to sound the same. I think a shorter set might have been a stronger set. This does get a bit overproduced and earns a parental advisory.
Stucco Houses
The formula is definitely wearing thin by this point. If this song and the last one had been left off, this set would be much stronger. It’s not a bad song. It just can’t stand out amongst too many similar pieces.
Now, this is bit of much needed variety. This piece has a more organic sound to it. It’s energetic and jazzy. It’s one of the strongest songs of the whole album.
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