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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Tehnoloogiline Päike

Technological Sun

Review by Gary Hill

In a lot of ways this seems like Tangerine Dream or Synergy to me. It’s electronic music. There are some more mainstream things here, too, like 80s music references. All in all, though, it’s a cool bit of electronic progressive rock.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2016  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
This Means War

This electronic instrumental piece has a great groove. It grows and shifts and changes. There are a lot of tuned percussion sounds. There is also some definite world music element to it. Yet, it’s also rather spacey in some ways. It gets quite involved and powerful as it marches forward.

Breaking It
This is very much an electronic prog piece. There are leanings toward 80s music for sure, but it’s also got a lot in common with things like RPWL. It’s alien in a lot of ways, but somehow catchy. The echoey, almost detached, vocals still manage to convey emotion.
So Many Days
Still an electronic rocker, this is even more of a prog rock cut. It’s more energetic than the previous one in a lot of ways. Sure, it’s still built on a lot of moody electronic space music, but in some ways it rocks more than the previous one.
And If I Just Die
This one has some female vocals along with the male ones. I really like some of the keyboard fills on this piece. It’s perhaps more mainstream than some of the rest, but it’s still electronic space music in so many ways.
There is definitely a symphonic element to this. Still, it’s essentially an electronic piece of music more than anything else. The first four minutes or so are completely instrumental. It works to a mellower section after that with female vocals gliding over the top.
This electronic music instrumental works through shifts and changes. There are a lot of varying bits of space music, near classical, world inspired stuff and rocking movements. At times the various elements are combined.
Remember Me
The closer is another electronic instrumental. This makes me think of things like Vangelis, Tangerine Dream and Synergy.
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