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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Lance Lopez

Live in NYC

Review by Gary Hill

The easiest comparison here is to Stevie Ray Vaughn. Lance Lopez’ music definitely occupies a similar territory most of the time. That said, he has a tendency to get further in the crunch zone toward heavy metal. Also, whereas Vaughn’s guitar soloing tended toward passionate, but a bit restrained, Lopez is more incendiary. This live album really captures just how incredible this guy is. If you like electric blues with a lot of rock music, or blues based hard rock with a lot of scorching guitar, give this a try. You won’t be disappointed.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2016  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
Come Back Home

Screaming hot blues rocking sound opens this thing. It’s a modern electric blues classic. The guitar soloing on this thing is incredible. Comparisons to Stevie Ray Vaughn are not only appropriate; I’d say they are necessary. That said, I don’t remember Stevie ever being quite this fiery with is guitar soloing.

Hard Time
Again, the guitar solo section on this really screams. The bass during that part makes me think of John Paul Jones, bringing a real Zeppelin vibe to this. The cut is a rocking bluesy number. Perhaps it’s more rock and less pure blues than the opener was. Either way, though, it’s great. I’m reminded of Montrose in a lot of ways.
Get out and Walk
A bit more on the raw side, this is screaming hot hard rock. There is some old school rock and roll in the mix. Overall, this one seems to land pretty heavily in the 70s rock zone, rather than near any kind of real blues. It’s another stomper, though.
Traveling Riverside Blues
This Robert Johnson classic gets some serious power and crunch. It’s another screaming hot tune.
Lowdown Ways
A slower blues number, this is packed with passion and power. Overall, this one is a bit less fierce than some of the rest.  That said, the guitar solo sections are positively on fire. This is an extensive piece, landing at over eleven minutes in length.
Tell the Truth
This screamer lands in the neighborhood of heavy metal. In fact, if the whole show were like this, I’d land the album under metal. It’s another strong rocker on a disc full of them.
El Paso Sugar
Starting with an instrumental section, this works out to more of a traditional blues jam. The guitar solo segment later is purely scorching.


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