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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Cost of Attrition

There You Go

Review by Gary Hill

This is a good, but not great, set. It shows promise for sure. There are only three songs here and they are all solid alternative rock music. The biggest problem comes with the vocals that have some definite issues in terms of staying on key. The production has a definite rough around the edges, amateurish feeling to it, too. All that said, though, the songs are strong enough to stand up despite those issues. Imagine what these guys can do if they resolve those problems.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 2 at
Track by Track Review
Not Your Psycho

I really like the guitar sound, and the overall instrumental progression and arrangement here. It has a strong punk meets metal and pop approach. I'm not all that crazy about the vocals, though. Still, the song is solid enough to work despite any vocal issue.

Oh Yeah
This is somewhat in the same vein as the opener. That said, it's mellower and bit more techno. I don't like it as much, though. The vocals really weigh this one down.
There You Go
Now this is a change. It's closer to a bouncy modern pop song. The vocals are stronger on this, too. This is definitely the best cut here. Frankly, I think they should have put this one between the other two to break it up a bit. Still, this is solid as the closer, too. The harder edged movement is more of a nu-metal crunch rock element.
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