There's no missing the fact that these guys are big Motorhead fans. The title of the album refers to Michael "Wurzel" Burston to whom the album is dedicated. Wurzel was best known for his time as Motorhead's guitarist. They also pay tribute to Phil Campbell and Lemmy in the liner notes. The closing tune is a cover of a Motorhead tune.
So, one would expect these guys to sound a lot like Motorhead, and they do. There is more of a punk edge to this, though. It could really sell in a punk club. I remember hearing a story about how punks in the UK loved Motorhead after their first couple albums. When the third one came out, though, and showed pictures of them with long hair, the adoration ended. I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know there was a lot of punk in the Motorhead sound, so this isn't a stretch.
The simple answer is, if you like Motorhead (and who doesn't), give this one a try. I definitely prefer Lemmy's vocals, but this truly is close enough for rock and roll.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017 Volume 2 at
Track by Track Review
Segregates Fast and furious, this does pound in very much like a Motorhead tune. The vocals land closer to punk, but it really does hold up that Motorhead tradition. This song gets a parental advisory.
Roll 'N' Roll No big surprise here, the spirit of Motorhead lives on with this song, too. It's a bit punkier than the opener was. In fact, this wouldn't be out of place at a hardcore punk show.
Living Nightmare The bass powers this one into being, and they scream out from there. The cut seems a combination of hardcore punk and heavy metal. It works well.
Miss 'B' Havin' Another that lands more on the metal end of the spectrum, this is raw and incredibly hot.
Let Battle Commence Now, this one is full on hardcore punk. The drums really drive this thing. The cut is a raw screamer for sure.
Traitor Collaborator We're back more in the zone of Motorhead here. This is another that gets an obvious parental advisory.
Sweet Vengeance Scorching and fierce, this is another high energy stomper.
Step Aside Bass leads things out here. We get some more hardcore punk with Motorhead all over it. It's another with a parental advisory. This is one that's tied a lot more closely with old school rock and roll.
No Regrets This one could almost pass as Motorhead, really. It's one of the highlights of the set.
Turn It Loose Landing closer to the punk end of the spectrum, the guitar solo on this cut really makes it.
Riding with the Driver With a guest appearance by Tim Atkinson, this is a Motorhead cover. Honestly, what could be more natural for this band than covering Motorhead. This is driving and another powerhouse.