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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Anton Du Preez

Be Bold

Review by Gary Hill

Anton Du Preez is quite talented. You don't have to listen to much of this set to get that. His vocals are solid and his song-writing is good. That doesn't mean this album is without issues. They are rather minor issues and pretty easily addressed, though. For one thing, I don't think rap is his natural style, and the one song that is a hip-hop number feels forced and a bit awkward. Second, the first few songs of the disc are too similar. This would be a stronger set if they were split up amongst the later songs rather than lumped together at the beginning. All in all, though, this is an effective release that will appeal most to fans of modern pop music.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 3 at
Track by Track Review

Starting with an acappella section, this moves out from there into an electronic based modern pop styled arrangement. This is cool stuff.

Come Close

Set in the same kind of modern pop arrangement, this does have some links to things like electronic prog at the same time.

Up to You
Here we get another fast paced pop tune. In terms of song construction and style, this is very much like the first two songs. The vocal performance has enough variety to keep this from getting completely "samey." There is a bit of a disco element to this along with some soul music tendency.
Brightest Light
Now, this cut is a much needed change. It's closer to a folk based number. There is a lot of roots music here. Add in some of that modern pop sound and you'll be in the right territory.
Somehow this is just a bouncy, cheery tune. It's much more of an electronic thing. It's a lot of fun, too.
Be Bold
Acoustic guitar brings the title track into being. It's another with more of that folk sound. It was a wise choice to make this the title track because it's one of the most "different' and strongest numbers here.
I love the multiple layers of vocals on this piece. It's almost acapella. It's also very effective.
No Future
Here's another big piece of variety. This is an acoustic guitar based piece that lands well in folk music territory.
If there's a full on miss here, this is it. It is much more electronic. There's also some rap in this. It does get a parental advisory.
Solo in My Mind
This is much more of an energized rock based tune. It gets very intense and powerful. Still, it's not one of my favorite things here. Yes, I like the change. It just doesn't really grab me.
I Can Be Anything
The strings add some charm to this piece. Beyond that, it's more of the folk pop stuff we've heard on some of the other tunes.
The dense vocal arrangement creates the charm of the first part of this song. As it works out to an instrumental segment later, the percussion lends some tribal elements while other instruments steer it toward progressive music.
MM 837
We're back in the vicinity of electronic music here. This is energized and rather bouncy. It also has some definite prog rock leanings to it. This instrumental is classy stuff. 


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