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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Quantum Split

America (digital single)

Review by Gary Hill

This new single features some interesting music. In fact, I'd say the instrumental presence on this is quite good. It has a nice balance between mellower and rocking. It lands near metal territory. The vocals don't work as well to my ear. I'm sure that there are others who will disagree with me, but they are a bit out of my wheel-house.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 3 at
Track by Track Review
The mellow guitar that opens this has a bit of a jazzy sound to it. The electric soloing guitar that comes over the top is powerful and stirring. The vocals have a soulful sort of musical theater vibe to them. I'm not a huge fan of musical theater, so this doesn't work that well for me. However the screaming hot metal-like section later in the track is a real powerhouse. The mix of sounds on this is a bit unusual, but also cool. There is some more soaring guitar soloing later in the track.
Runaway -
This comes in much mellower and almost prog rock meets fusion-like. The vocals come in over the top of this more sedate arrangement. This time around the soulful element is there, but without that musical theater thing at play. While I'm still not a big fan of the vocal performance here, it's a step up from that last tune. The song itself is more in an AOR hard rock style. It might not be as unique or original, but it sure works well. Again, I love the guitar soloing on this thing.
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