 Silver and Gold
 Review by Gary Hill

This new four-song EP is literally a mixed bag. For my money, two of the songs lean a bit toward being too trendy and over-produced. The other two really shine with a real country based magic. I know this act has a full album out, and I don't know if it had a lot of that over-produced music, too, or if this is just something they are experimenting with now. Either way, I think it's a mistake. It seems to be an attempt to appeal to more of the pop music audience, and I feel that it might be at the risk of losing the core audience to which they are more likely to appeal while not really gaining the group of listeners they are seeking. Don't get me wrong, even with those elements, this music is still solid. It is just better without it, and if this is direction they are think about moving into, I'd say it's ill-advised. The truth is, this outfit creates some strong country based music, and should really go with their strengths and not try to jump on the trendy stuff.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2019 Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2019.