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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Lost American

Robot Spark (Rauch von König remix) (digital single)

Review by Gary Hill

I really like the blending of sounds on this. number. The tune is very much a catchy and effective number. It has a good mix of retro and contemporary vibes in place. If this was  a bit less poppy, it might almost fit under progressive rock. As it is, it's creative and tasty pop rock music. I have to say that, based on this, I'd love to hear more from this artist.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Robot Spark (Rauch von König remix)

There is something like setting up at the start of this song. The tune works out into a bouncy, poppy kind of electronic groove. It can make out hints of Kraftwerk, but that sound is tempered with more of a pop rock element that feels closer to things like 80s electro-pop. References to The Buggles aren't inappropriate. This is a fun and entertaining tune that also happens to be very effective. There are some cool guitar fills at times, too.  

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