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Progressive Rock CD Reviews



Review by Gary Hill

This Italian act have produced a strong album here. The mix of metal and prog sounds is quite intriguing. They move toward space music and much more at different points. The one complaint I might make is that it's all pretty similarly moody. It seems like it could use some variety in that regard. Still, this works well, and the early Pink Floyd cover that ends the set really manages to elevate it.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2022  Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Lost Over Time
Keyboard textures bring this in. As the other instruments join we get a dramatic prog build-up. Then it drops back to keyboard atmospherics for the first vocals. The track gradnally builds outward with some great prog concepts. This song evolves and develops in intriguing ways. It's tasty, moody and so cool. There are parts of this where the rhythm section remind me of Dream Theater just a little.
Keep It Safe
They drive this one in more metallic. This is a powerhouse song that still manages plenty of prog in the mix. That's particularly true on the killer instrumental break that seems to merge Dream Theater with Deep Purple and other things creating a unique tapestry.
On Time
Driving, this is built on hard rock with prog elements at play, too. I can hear some hints of alternative rock and even 80s sounds on this thing.
Time To Live
The mix between metal and prog tendencies on this is quite seamless. The track rocks well, but also has enough prog chops to keep it interesting. I love the instrumental moments on this, and the dropped back section is moody and classy.
My Last Words To You
Coming in moody and mellower, this is slow moving prog goodness at the start. It gets so much more powerful and soaring as it continues. There are definite metal angles to this, but it's so tastefully proggy.
The guitar sound as this gets underway is decidedly metallic. It drops to mellower zones in an arrangement that feels like it has both prog and alternative rock in the mix.
Eternal Bliss
I love the moody, proggy concepts here. There seems to be some space rock, post-prog and some metal in mix. This is another great song. It has a solid balance between the more reflective and driving sounds. The instrumental section really explodes out and drives both the metal and prog concepts home.
Lights Behind The Clouds
There are some sound-clips at the start of this. The cut works out to a powerful, soaring sort of jam from there.
The title track comes in atmospheric and builds out gradually. There is a real epic feeling to this. It's a dynamic and diverse piece that works so well. This has both metal and space rock vibes underway with a lot of pure modern prog, too. It's one of the highlights here. Given the competition that says a lot.
Astronomy Domine (Pink Floyd cover)
They bring this in suitably spacey. They really do a great job of updating the classy psychedelia of the track. This is such a perfect tribute to the tune.      
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Progressive Rock

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