Track by Track Review
We’ve Got To Get Out Of This Place There is a cool electronic groove to this thing. It seems ahead of its time because it's got a very 80s vibe to it. This is a cover of the old Animals chestnut. Brown brings a cool texture to the piece with this arrangement. |
Helen With The Sun This has a real progressive rock vibe at play. I'm reminded of David Bowie to some degree. There are hints of Hawkwind here, too. This is such a cool song . It's on the mellower, melodic prog side of the equation. At just over seven-and-a-half minutes of music, this is the epic of the set. |
Take A Chance Starting with some ambient elements, this works out to proggy arrangement that is also jazzy and a little funky. I'm again reminded of Bowie at times. This has some pretty hard rocking moments as it continues. |
Crazy Bouncy and playful, this is more of a mainstream rocker in some ways. That said, it has some proggy, jazzy, space rock elements in the mix at points. This is a lot of fun. |
Hearts And Minds Proggy and yet mainstream rock oriented, too, this is another that makes me think of Bowie. |
Dance Trippy, spacey vibes are on hand here. This has some moments that make me think of Zappa to some small degree. This is so classy and fun. |
Out of Time Jazzy and energetic as it gets way, this has more of soulful bluesy feel to it as it drops down the verse. This is another that makes me think of Zappa just a little. It's not the proggiest thing here, but it's interesting and has its proggy moments. |
Quietly With Tact There is a lot of Bowie-type sound built into this one. It has a mainstream folk rock vibe in some ways. It's turned toward art rock, though. |
Soul Garden This is a bouncy number that has some old-school rock and roll in the mix. This is fun, but certainly not a proggy piece. |
The Lord Will Find A Way The groove at the back of this has some definite funk built into it. The vocal performance brings some soul into the mix. This is fun, but it's another that doesn't fit a prog label at all. |
Is There Nothing Beyond God A quirky, bouncy art rock meets glam song, this is cool. It swear I can hear little bits of throat singing in this at times. |
Bonus tracks – BBC Radio 1 "In Concert" 23rd April 1975 |
We’ve Got To Get Out Of This Place
I think I prefer this to the studio version. It just works especially well here, even if it's not a big departure. |
Dance If anything, this feels trippier here. It's another strong tune. |
Crazy (About My Baby) This loses the proggy things. It's more of a bouncy little old-time jazzy pop number here. It's fun, but I prefer the studio version. |
Take A Chance Feeling meatier and meaner than the studio version, I like this cut a lot here. I'm not sure I prefer one over the other, but I really dig this one. |
The Lord Will Find A Way This is a good live rendition of the tune. I think it might get a little more creative than the studio version of the track. It has plenty of energy and style. |
Is There Nothing Beyond God I'd say this is actually proggier than the studio take. The throat singing sort of stuff is gone, but there is definitely an increased prog presence here. |