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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Ian Danter

Rule of Three

Review by Gary Hill

This collection of hard rocking music has a lot of great songs. The cover is rather confusing, though. It led me to think that the disc might include guest appearances from the musicians show there. That's not true at all. I don't even hear a lot of reference points to those artists. I tend to think that cover does a disservice to the great music here. If you like classic sounding hard rock with bluesy reference points, this is well worth checking out. It is diverse, dynamic and powerful. It's also very entertaining.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 1 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
One Over The Eight
A hard rocking jam gets things underway here. They shift it an almost glam rock meets power pop kind of arrangement after that introduction. This is classy sounding, yet catchy hard rock. The guitar solo is on fire.
Fine Time To Die
I love the guitar riffing on this track. This is an edgy number with a real classic sound at play. The female vocals lend something special, and the whole tune really works so well. As strong as the opener was, this tune really ups the ante. It has some decidedly classic blues rocking guitar soloing, too. I'm reminded of Montrose to some degree on this thing, even if his name isn't one of those on the cover.
Massive Passive Aggressive
Frantic and a little quirkier than the two opening pieces, this is a nice bit of variety. Personally, I don't like it as well as I did the two tracks that preceded it, but it's quite cool and worthwhile.
Pick A Side
This comes in a little more melodic and less hard rocking. There are definitely some proggy and psychedelic angles here. This is one of the most interesting tunes here. It's also one of the most unique. It's a favorite for me, too. Everything about this just works so well. The guitar soloing on this number is so expressive, too.
Even more melodic and less powered up, this has a real pop rock vibe at play. The guitar work brings some hints of jazz. It's not a ballad, but closer to a soft rock kind of thing. It's creative and another piece of variety. I can make out some hints of psychedelia or dream pop here.
Generation Z
Edgy and yet rather proggy, this has some cool twists and turns. It's more hard rocking than the last couple tracks. I can make out some hints of fusion here. This has some killer guitar work. The female backing vocals bring something cool to it, too. I really love the synthesizer solo on this thing, too. There is also a shift to a decidedly proggy movement for a short break beyond that.
Route Of All Evil
More of a straight-ahead hard rocker, this isn't breaking any molds, but it really works. I love the guitar hero styled soloing, too. I love the clever title, too.
Whatever Happened
This pounds in heavy and a little metallic. This gets pretty fierce and has some more edgy rock sound added to the mix. This reminds me to a large degree of King's X.
I’ve Got A Problem
Fast-paced, edgy and hard rocking, this is another classic sounding tune. The guitar soloing is purely on fire.
I Was There
Here we get another fierce rocker. This is classy stuff. Another that has some hints of King's X, this is a great way to end things. The fast paced rocking grind around the guitar solo is so strong.
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