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Non-Prog Concert Reviews


Live In Rockford, IL, 2000

Review by Gary Hill

This tour is being billed as the "Farewell Tour". Consider this reviewer a bit skeptical about whether or not the band will actually retire. However, they really are putting their all into the performance this time out.
Having seen them on their reunion tour, it is a completely different Kiss this time around. Yes, they are still doing the majority of the classics. Yes, the pyrotechnics, flying musicians, fire breathing and blood spitting are all still there. This time, though, there is something that was lacking on that round. The band seems to have a new vitality and enthusiasm. On the other tour they seemed to be just going through the motions, rehashing their heyday. This time they seemed to really be enjoying themselves. The songs took on a new freshness and vitality from the extra energy and sheer thrill the band seemed to have. As said before, the set was primarily a run down of the tried and true makeup repertoire. There were some notable additions, however. These included "Lick it Up", "Heaven's on Fire" and the title track to the Psycho Circus album. There was enough fireworks at the show to dwarf the fourth of July display of some small towns, but it really works for this band. So does having your bass player fly up on to the lighting rig, face covered with stage blood, to perform "God of Thunder". These things that most bands could not attempt, let alone make work, really cerate an awesome concert experience. Is this their last tour? I don't know, but we can sure hope not.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: The Early Years Volume 6 at

Chad Lee
Chad Lee
Chad Lee
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