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Progressive Rock Concert Reviews


Live at RoSfest, April, 2006

Review by Josh Turner

This band greatly exceeded my expectations. Their sound engineers had this one tweaked to perfection. During sound check, the bassist made sure of it, yelling, "I can't hear the keyboards" and other such orders of refinements. Alan Reed's vocals received a lot of reverberation in places, which corrected for his battered voice. From a vocal standpoint, this was worlds apart from his jaunt with Neo. In many cases, he screamed a line and pulled his mouth away from the mike. He was still singing even when his lips were no longer moving. These effects worked wonderfully. The bass and guitars traded licks. Also, Euan Lowson, the band's original vocalist from years back, made a special guest appearance. He came onstage relatively early and sang the remainder of the songs. He finished on a real perverse note when he went off stage and slipped into full-body contamination gear. The song, the outfit, and the theatrics were all quite eccentric and weird. You would have thought he lost his mind. This was an enjoyable set and while not expecting it, they were definitely one of the highlights. As my party was tiring and one left to get on the road, this in all essence was an awesome storm before a concluding calm.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2006 Volume 3 at
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