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Progressive Rock Concert Reviews

The Watch

Live at RoSfest, April, 2006

Review by Josh Turner

Before The Watch hit the stage, Nick Barrett and Clive Nolan announced Pendragon would be back the following year. With all the administration issues out of the way, the lights went dim. As if visibility wasn't hindered enough, the smoke machines had been cranked up to their maximum setting. This actually served a real purpose. Simone crawled out onto the smoldering stage and came alive from the ashes. After several indistinguishable pieces and a lot of strange theatrics, they got serious and nailed "Voices" from Vacuum. While each song was original, they seemed as if they were a very close cousin to Genesis. It was hard to imagine these songs weren't recycled covers. I got my fill and was happy with this choice as a festival closer. While more remained, it was getting late and I took this as my cue to leave. I was able to get a decent taste of this band and still get on the road with time to spare. Unfortunately, we took a wrong turn. Not sure how this happened, but this unplanned detour correlates with my analysis. At a way station several miles out of town, we met some other fans who saw the whole show. They said the act was excellent and on the whole, enjoyed the festival more than the one put on the year before. They also revealed that the band played a Genesis song, "Get 'Em Out by Friday" for their encore. In retrospect, I wish I had stayed to see it.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2006 Volume 3 at
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