The show kicked off with his own “Delta Lady,” made famous by Joe Cocker, with whom Russell once recorded and toured. This was followed by a rollicking version of his early single, “Roll in My Sweet Baby’s Arms.”
The next grouping was composed of less familiar tunes, so it may or may not have included any from his recent duo album with Elton John, but he sure missed an opportunity to plug it. Apparently, he’s not one to ride on other’s coattails. Russell was, in fact, an early inspiration for Sir Elton, who was once nervous to find the readily recognizable Russell in the front row of his debut performance in Los Angeles way back in 1970.
But, while Russell left an impression on Elton John, his own career never reached the same heights. Half of his set list was filled with covers of others’ hits, many that he’s recorded himself over the years. Every song sounds like it’s his own, though, with his slightly funky piano boogie and nasal vocals delivered out the side of his mouth. A string of familiar songs finally brought some of the tame crowd to their feet; a small group eventually gathering to dance down front. |